Archive for October, 2010

the day sweetpatatas resurrected

(old photo from kim ong)

i am back. i did not die; fate just thought i should keep away from blogging for a while. the wordpress site and my camera’s memory card have been acting up lately, but here’s to fill you in:

4 lessons Shanghai taught me in the past 4 days

1. holding back keeps wonderful things from happening. take a leap of faith, and the rest will follow.

2. stay true to your pinky promises. they may be little, but they mean so much to someone.

3. keep your head in the game. oh, how wonderful it is to find your way in a foreign place.

4. the world will never run out of villains. assert yourself as much as you think it is fair.

the day that didn’t go my way

there’s nothing like hearing your favorite song on a bad night.

P.S. do yourself a favor and make a playlist of one hundred songs to save your life. 🙂

the day i traveled around the world… again.

someday, my grandchildren would sit on my lap as i tell them,

i laughed at myself too many times when i was young–

and it was the best feeling i’ve ever had.

the day of matchpoints and expensive hotdogs

every game has a story to tell.

let yours make a difference in the world.

the day i woke up to a cold morning

the smell of the rain reminds me of you…

of how we used to dance under it until our soaked clothes told us it was time for the usual bread dipped in hot swissmiss.

it’s days like this when i can almost feel my hands rub against yours, never letting go until we‘re no longer cold.

and now, as i rub them in search for that familiar warmth, i feel you tug my cheek for a smile you’ve always loved to see. and i give you that.

because now i know, wherever i go, you are there.

the day i gave it a chance

(photo from kim ong)

And I remember the way you said that nothing on this or any other planet was going to stop you.

-Jim Warda, “Change The World”

the day i walked home

you are somebody’s answered prayer.


laugh often. laugh hard. laugh with the ones you love.

the day i had my fair share of heaven

this way to happiness.

go ahead, don’t hold back.

you deserve it more than anyone else in this world.

the day i came back to reality

(photo from kim ong)

it is a choice, your choice,

to see beauty surpass its very definition.

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