Posts Tagged ‘kim ong’

the day i traveled around the world… again.

someday, my grandchildren would sit on my lap as i tell them,

i laughed at myself too many times when i was young–

and it was the best feeling i’ve ever had.

the day i traveled around the world

(photo from kim ong)

bare necessities for a day tour across the globe: an english map, a pretend passport, your most comfy shoes, a handy camera and a good friend to share the awesomeness of the world with.

the day i bought a yellow umbrella

(photo from kim ong)

“The world is our playground, and we will always be home.”

-Up Dharma Down

the day i was late for class

(old photo from kim ong)

hallmark is overrated. thank God for friends who slap you with sense on one cheek and kisses you on the other.