the day i traveled around the world

(photo from kim ong)

bare necessities for a day tour across the globe: an english map, a pretend passport, your most comfy shoes, a handy camera and a good friend to share the awesomeness of the world with.

the day i stayed in (a late post)

on defying gravity.

i think life is a constant battle,

a struggle between conformity and defiance.

a part of you says you’re too scared,

the other thinks you’ve gone insane.

but at the end of the day,

your heart knows when it’s worth the risk.

the day my head spun

i’m sorry, i have nothing meaningful to say today. but for what it’s worth, i love you. 🙂

the day of “whatever happens”

where and when else are you meant to be but here and now?

the day i reached the end of the line

don’t underestimate a random act of kindness. it’s the trivial things that give life its meaning.

the day i visited wilson street

(video call with blockmates from the philippines)

no one is ever too old to close his eyes, make a wish and believe that dreams come true.

the day rainbows fell from the sky

It’s a perfect story, so they say.

the last day of september

listen. amidst the silence, there is still so much to hear.

the day of make-believe birthdays

you’re the reason why someone out there has decided to live. you matter more than you’ll ever know.

happy fake birthday, bea balgomera! 😛

the day i embraced the cold

look around. the world is beautiful, and so are you.

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